
“How to help young migrants”

Expert Seminar, 5-12 June 2023, Gdansk, Poland

“How to help young migrants” expert Seminar, 5-12 June 2023,  Gdansk, Poland

Desert Bloom recently participated in the "How to Help Young Migrants" expert seminar, co-founded by the European Union under Erasmus+ KA153-YOU. The seminar took place in Gdansk, Poland, and was hosted by Zespół Szkół Technicznych CentrumKształcenia Zawodowego wRusocinie. The event focused on exploring innovative methods of working with young migrants and refugees to facilitate their integration into hosting societies through formal and informal education. It also provided unique opportunities to expand participants' experiences in cross-cultural collaboration and cultural diversity. The seminar comprised several components:

  1. Study visits to primary and secondary schools operating in the Poviat Gdański were organized to learn about working with youth of migrant origin through formal and informal education. School teachers presented their integration methods and approaches for young refugees from Ukraine to become part of the local community.
  2. Meetings with the authorities of the Poviat Gdański were held to gain insights into their practices in creating migrant-friendly formal and informal education environments.
  3. Valuable tools were shared during the seminar for conducting intercultural education sessions that aid in the integration of young refugees from diverse backgrounds.
  4. Word-Cafe sessions were conducted to facilitate the exchange of experiences and create safe spaces for discussions.
  5. Sightseeing and cultural trips were arranged to provide participants with a deeper understanding of Pomerania's architecture, culture, and traditions. The itinerary included visits to the European Solidarity Center, the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, guided tours of the historic center of Gdańsk, as well as trips to Gdynia and Sopot.

For more information about the project, watch this video created by Hadeel:


Testimony of Hadeel from Desert Bloom:

We are grateful to the Erasmus+ program for enabling cross-Mediterranean cooperation among NGOs. The training allowed us to exchange experiences and practices, preparing our youth for real-life challenges. We practiced language skills, learned to initiate ideas, and embraced diverse cultures. We appreciate the Polish educational system, the warm hospitality of local authorities, professors, students, and the mayor. All visits were well-organized and breathtaking. The training had a positive impact, fostering cooperation, communication, and goal achievement. Erasmus+ empowered us to gain experience, share knowledge, and contribute to our local societies. We extend our gratitude to everyone who made us feel at home. We look forward to more projects for a better future.